

Greetings from Fayetteville!


Parent & Family Programs recognizes the crucial role that parents and family members play in their student's college success. It is our goal to help you be a supportive voice for your student by providing you with resources, relationships, education, and communication. Hopefully these initiatives will provide you with the knowledge and understanding needed to help your student learn, grow, and ultimately reach their full potential at the University of Arkansas. Whether you are a first year family member or your student is a senior, we are excited to serve you and have a variety of programs that will hopefully meet your families' needs.


Mission & Goals of Parent & Family Programs

suport              serve             resources


Contact Us

Phone and/or Email

Parent Hotline : (479) 575-5002
E-mail: parents@uark.edu


Razorback Family Portal

The Razorback Family Portal is designed to enhance your Razorback family experience by providing you with customized newsletters and 24/7 access to information, news, and resources curated just for family members of University of Arkansas students. The Razorback Family Portal delivers the most current information to you on a regular basis. To sign up visit  uark.campusesp.com  and  complete registration by clicking sign up.


Social Media

Social media is a great and easy way to stay informed and updated on all the latest happenings, so find us on Facebook and Twitter for more information on events, articles and updates! Often times, this is the easiest and fastest way for us to get information out to you...so make sure to "like" us on Facebook and "follow" us on Twitter to get the inside scoop on Family Weekend dates, important Did You Know? facts and more! Don't forget about Pinterest and Instagram too!

                         facebook        instagram     



If you have any questions or are in need of assistance, contact us at 479-575-5002 or by e-mailing us at parents@uark.edu. Whenever you visit campus, you are always welcome to stop by our office, located in the Arkansas Union, Room A688.

Best of Luck and Go Hogs!
